DNA2.0 Expands European Presence By Opening UK Office: Experienced Life Sciences Executive, Dr. Michael Dyson, To Lead European Operations

DNA2.0, the leading gene synthesis and protein engineering company, today announced the expansion of the company’s European operations with the creation of the United Kingdom-based DNA2.0 Ltd. Michael Dyson, PhD, has been appointed as Managing Director of European Operations and will lead the new venture in the UK as well as DNA2.0’s established office in Basel, Switzerland “The opening of our UK headquarters represents a major step in our global growth,” said Jeremy Minshull, President of DNA2.0. “Even in a time of economic uncertainty, the market for gene synthesis and its many applications continues to grow rapidly in Europe. We are confident that European customers will continue to seek out our world-class customer support, fast and reliable turnaround time and the certainty that their intellectual property is completely protected.While many other gene synthesis companies offshore manufacturing to areas of the world with lax IP protection, all DNA2.0 genes are made at the company’s state-of-the-art facility in Menlo Park, thus ensuring the greatest security for patented or confidential sequences. DNA2.0’s two European locations ensure that European customers receive the same PhD-level service and support as their U.S. counterparts.

“The demand in the European marketplace for high quality synthetic genes, delivered quickly and with confidence, is tremendous,” said Dr. Dyson. “We look forward to serving our European customers even more effectively through this new base of operations.”

Dr. Dyson possesses more than 20 years of experience leading European customer service and sales organizations in the life sciences industry. He has particular experience growing and managing life science businesses across Europe, and prior to joining DNA2.0 he was European Managing Director for Codon Devices. He has also held chief management positions at such life science companies as Sequenom, MicroCal and PerSeptive Biosystems.

About DNA2.0:
Founded in early 2003, DNA2.0 is the leading synthetic biology company. It is the fastest provider of synthetic genes, based in the US with a global customer base encompassing academia, government and the pharmaceutical, chemical, agricultural and biotechnology industries. DNA2.0 has provided genes to thousands of customers, for whom it has synthesized many millions of base pairs. DNA2.0 explores novel applications for synthetic genes and is exploiting the synergy between highly efficient gene synthesis process and new protein optimization technologies. The tools and applications brought to market by DNA2.0 are transforming biology into an engineering discipline. The company is privately held and is headquartered in Menlo Park, Calif. For more information, please visit www.DNA20.com.



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