The in silico cloning tool allows you to computationally create restriction fragments and assemble them by ligation.
Restriction fragments can be created by dragging
Any vector, construct, element or group of elements from the
Any construct, sequence element or group of elements from the
Navigation Pane
Any construct, sequence element or group of elements from the
Workspace Pane
into the Input Pane (label in screenshot 13)
DNA is digested in silico by choosing one or more restriction sites from the Sites Pane (label in screenshot 13)
Restriction sites can be selected from all possible sites by
Restriction sites can be selected from one of your lists of
managed lists of sites by
selecting the “my sites” tab
selecting the list name from the pull down menu
clicking on the sites of interest
Once the sites of interest have been selected, click on the “choose” button at the bottom of the Sites Pane (label in screenshot 13)
Once one or more restriction sites have been chosen, the sites will be shown
A fragment can be cut by selecting the restriction sites that flank it, either by
“Cutting” the DNA will cause a segment of DNA to drop out of the fragment donor
“Cut” fragments of DNA that have been dragged from the Input Pane to the Ligation Pane (label in screenshot 13) are displayed
Each fragment becomes a single group, named after its construct and location of origin.