Creating Oligonucleotides

Gene Designer enables two main oligonucleotide functions which can be performed in the Construct Editor

  • Oligonucleotides can be created manually to match any segment of sequence within a construct in either direction.
  • GeneDesigner will also automatically design oligonucleotides for sequencing a construct.

Manual creation of oligonucleotides

  • Oligonucleotides can be created in the Workspace Pane of the Construct Editor
    • Select a portion of one or both strands of the final construct sequence at the top of the sequence display
      • The Tm of the selected sequence is automatically displayed
    • Select the “Annotate” button just above the annotation grid. You will be prompted to select a Tm annotation, an oligonucleotide or a general annotation. You can also name the annotations.
      • If the top strand of the final construct sequence is selected the oligonucleotide is created in the forward direction.
      • If the bottom strand is selected the oligonucleotide is created in the reverse direction.
      • If both strands are selected, both directions are created.


Automatic creation of oligonucleotides for sequencing

  • Oligonucleotides suitable for sequencing can be created for a region of the construct selected by:
    • Selecting the icons for one or more elements within the Navigation Pane (Not yet working in beta version)
    • Highlighting a region of the sequence
      • by clicking on one end of the desired sequence and dragging to the other end of the selection
      • or by clicking on one end of the desired sequence, scrolling to the other end and clicking at the other end of the selection while holding down the shift key.
    • Select “Design Sequencing Oligos” from the “Tools” tab.
  • You will then be able to choose between
    • The best oligo in the region in the forward or reverse direction
    • Single Strand Oligos for coverage of the region
    • Double Strand Oligos for coverage of the region
  • You will also be asked to choose

Parameters for coverage of a region

  • Approximate spacing between oligonucleotides.
  • Direction desired.

Parameters for sequencing oligos

  • Maximum, minimum and optimal
    • Size
    • GC content
    • Tm


Naming oligonucleotides

  • Oligonucleotides can be named individually when created manually, or systematically when generating an oligonucleotide report.
guide/create_oligonucleotides.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/17 08:09 (external edit)
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