Gene Designer

Gene Designer from DNA2.0 Inc. is a tool for molecular biologists and synthetic biologists. This software enables the user to:

  • Design DNA sequences by assembling smaller functional elements.
  • Backtranslate amino acid sequences
    • using codon frequencies for your expression host
    • removing unwanted motifs (restriction sites, ribosome binding sites, splice sites etc)
    • adding convenient silent restriction sites
  • Perform computational cloning
  • Design oligonucleotides for sequencing, mutagenesis and PCR amplification

and much moreā€¦

Installation Guide

  • Gene designer requries Adobe Air runtime to run. Click here to install that first if you do not have that already.
  • Download Gene Designer installation file. This will require you to register and you'll get a special registration key to unlock the install.
    • Check your spam folder if you cannot find it in your inbox.
  • Trouble shooting steps
    • Uninstall adobe air from your system and then reinstall.
    • Uninstall Gene Designer and then reinstall.
    • Still need help? Contact support with your issue

Step by Step Guides

User Interface

DNA2.0 Support

We are happy to help you with any design. For support call us at +1 650 853 8347 or email us at

Gene Synthesis

DNA2.0 Custom Gene Synthesis You can order your genes directly from Gene Designer. For synthesis of your designed genes DNA2.0 offers great rates and rapid turnaround services. For details visit our website

start.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/21 10:48 by
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